Fachtag der Verus Bonifatius Klinik & Singularity Academy mit Ben Furman
Solution-oriented work with families, children and individuals - 04.11.2023 from 08:00 in the Kulturkessel in Bad Salzschlirf
Dear interested parties,
The Verus Bonifatius Clinic and the Singularity Academy invite you to a symposium with Ben Furman on November 4, 2023. Get to know your colleagues at this professional highlight of the year and let Ben Furman inspire you to new, solution-oriented perspectives. The Finnish psychiatrist and psychotherapist founded the Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute in 1986 and is one of the pioneers of the solution-oriented approach in Europe. His book “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood” and the “I can do it!” program have met with a broad international response.
During this one-day training day, Ben Furman will teach you how to start conversations positively, create an optimistic atmosphere, turn problems into achievable goals, stimulate your clients’ creativity, make the most of your clients’ resources and much more. Using practical examples and exercises, you will learn how you can increasingly incorporate solution-focused approaches into your work. We invite you to be inspired by Ben Furman’s humor, lightness and appreciation. The symposium will be held in German.
You can look forward to our program:
Mrs. Dörfner Welcome 08:40-09:00 a.m.
Optional: Guided tour of the Verus Bonifatius Clinic
Mrs. Dörfner Farewell and invitation to an exchange from 5:00 p.m.
Further information
The event is aimed at professionals and interested parties. Catering will be provided during the breaks. An optional guided tour of the clinic will be offered at lunchtime. The price is
90,- EUR p.p. payable on site (trainees/students with valid ID 70,- EUR). No possibility to pay by card
Further training points have been applied for from the Hessen State Medical Association. Doctor-medic Günther Mild, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, head physician, is the scientific director.
The content of this event is designed to be product- and service-neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the participants. The event is not sponsored. The total cost of the event is approximately €7,500. Limited number of participants: Please register in advance using the form opposite or by telephone on: 06648 91108 0 By e-mail to: info@verusbonifatius.com By fax to: 06648 91108 250