AT THE VERUS BONIFATIUS CLINIC Short-term admission possible


Holistic treatment
for mother/father with children

The Verus Bonifatius Clinic is a clinic with a psychotherapeutic focus for the whole family. With a multi-professional team, we deal with each patient individually in the treatment as well as with the entire family. It is particularly noteworthy that we treat adults, single parents, parent couples as well as parents and (accompanying) children in combination. For this, we offer a complex and multimodal treatment of family structures over several weeks. The therapies are in line with guidelines, and we also offer complementary holistic therapies on request.


Child & family friendliness
in focus


In harmony with nature, around
the Vogelsberg & the Rhön


Swiss quality standards
and high expertise

Kinderbetreuung | Verus Bonifatius - Privatklinik für Eltern-Kind-Therapie

Chief physician
Doctor medic Günther Mild

To accompany people in applying the valuable insights of humanity to rediscover their own inner strength and healing resilience and to implement these effectively in their everyday lives.

This is my vision at the Verus Bonifatius Clinic: Our clinic becomes a place where people and families – especially in our challenging times – find ways to live from their hearts and to be able to bring about what they are here in this world to do.


The Verus Bonifatius Clinic sees itself as a place of security where family relationships strained by mental illness and crisis can heal, grow and blossom for a positive and fulfilling future. The therapy offer is individually tailored to you and your symptoms. The well-being of your soul and body is always in the foreground during the entire stay.

Therapy methods

The basis of the treatment is psychotherapy, which takes place in individual and group sessions. In addition to this therapy, creative and body-therapeutic methods are used, such as art, music and movement therapy. Mindfulness and meditation are also practised in everyday life at the clinic.

Therapy methods | timeline sitzung
Mindfulness work | timeline entspannen

Mindfulness work

Mindfulness work is an essential part of Buddhism and involves paying attention moment by moment, without judgement and with acceptance. moment to moment, without judgement and with acceptance, paying attention to all that is happening both within and around us. around us. The concept and practice of mindfulness has existed in Eastern cultures for thousands of years. of years. In the clinic, we work according to mindfulness-based therapy methods, among others, and guide how to incorporate it into everyday life in different ways.


To enable mother/father to concentrate fully on the therapy and their recovery, the children are looked after by our childcare staff during therapy times. Children from infancy to school age are welcome at the clinic.

Childcare | timeline kinderbetreuung
TCM and natural healing | timeline hand

TCM and natural healing

As a supplement, the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine methods can support the healing process. Traditional Chinese medicine and other natural healing methods are based on thousands of years of experience and knowledge. years of experience and knowledge. Their use in psychosomatic illnesses can help to open doors for a faster and more sustainable healing process in certain people. open doors for a faster and more sustainable healing process for certain individuals.

Cost coverage

The Verus Bonifatius Klinik is a private acute clinic licensed under § 30 of the Trade Regulation Act. The costs of inpatient treatment are covered by private health insurance companies as well as subsidies. Patients with statutory health insurance are also admitted after prior clarification of the assumption of costs. An application for a case-by-case decision must be submitted to the respective health insurance company. You can also come to us as a self-paying patient.

Cost coverage | timeline kosten
Bad Salzschlirf and surroundings | timeline umgebung

Bad Salzschlirf and surroundings

Bad Salzschlirf liegt im Herzen der Rhön und des Vogelsbergs und kann auf eine lange Tradition als Heilbad und Kurort zurückblicken. Der Ort ist umgeben von wunderschönen Wiesen und Wäldern, die unmittelbar an der Klinik angrenzen. Die Ortsmitte mit den Geschäften und dem Kurpark ist ebenso fußläufig erreichbar. Ein Kulturprogramm des Ortes mit Führungen und Konzerten sorgt in den therapiefreien Zeiten für Sie oder für Ihre Begleitperson für Abwechslung. Unweit von Bad Salzschlirf befindet sich die Stadt Fulda, die unter anderem zu einem Spaziergang durch das Barockviertel einlädt. Ebenso sind Ausflüge in das UNESCO Biosphärenreservat Rhön möglich.

Main areas of treatment

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Exhaustion/
    Overload Syndrome (Burn Out)
  • Functional and psychosomatic diseases
  • Personality disorders
  • Neurotic diseases
  • Sleep disorders
Main areas of treatment | timeline schwerpunkte
Equipment | timeline ausstattung


Die Klinik befindet sich in einem altehrwürdigen Gebäude, das mit Einzel, Doppel- und Mehrbettzimmer, wie auch Familienzimmern ausgestattet ist, umgeben von einem großen Klinikpark.

Picture of a session

The basis of the treatment is psychotherapy, which takes place in individual and group sessions. In addition to this therapy, creative and body-therapeutic methods are used, such as art, music and movement therapy. Mindfulness and meditation are also practised in everyday life at the clinic.

Picture of a session

Mindfulness work is an essential part of Buddhism and involves paying attention moment to moment, without judgement and with acceptance. moment to moment, without judgement and with acceptance, paying attention to everything that happens both within and around us. around us. The concept and practice of mindfulness has existed in Eastern cultures for thousands of years. of years. In the clinic, we work according to mindfulness-based therapies, among others, and guide how to incorporate it into everyday life in different ways.

Picture of a session

So that mother/father can concentrate fully on the therapy and their recovery, the children are looked after by our childcare staff during therapy times. Children from infancy to school age are welcome at the clinic.

Picture of a session

As a supplement, the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine methods can support the healing process. Traditional Chinese medicine and other natural healing methods are based on thousands of years of experience and knowledge. years of experience and knowledge. Their use in psychosomatic illnesses can help to open doors for a faster and more sustainable healing process in certain people. open doors for a faster and more sustainable healing process for certain individuals.

Picture of a session

The Verus Bonifatius Klinik is a private acute clinic licensed under § 30 of the Trade Regulation Act. The costs of inpatient treatment are covered by private health insurance companies as well as subsidies. Patients with statutory health insurance are also admitted after prior clarification of the assumption of costs. An application for a case-by-case decision must be submitted to the respective health insurance company. You can also come to us as a self-paying patient.

Picture of a session

Bad Salzschlirf lies in the heart of the Rhön and Vogelsberg mountains and has a long tradition as a spa and health resort. The village is surrounded by beautiful meadows and forests, which border directly on the clinic. The centre of the village with its shops and spa gardens is also within walking distance. A cultural programme of the village with guided tours and concerts provides variety for you or your companion during the therapy-free times. Not far from Bad Salzschlirf is the town of Fulda, which invites you to take a walk through the baroque quarter. Excursions to the UNESCO biosphere reserve are also possible.

Picture of a session
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Exhaustion/
    Overload Syndrome (Burn Out)
  • Functional and psychosomatic diseases
  • Personality disorders
  • Neurotic diseases
  • Sleep disorders

Picture of a session

The clinic is located in a time-honoured building equipped with single, double and multi-bed rooms, as well as family rooms, surrounded by a large clinic park.

Activities at the clinic and in the surrounding area

At the Verus Bonifatius Clinic, we attach great importance to not only curing individual symptoms. Rather, we ensure a fully comprehensive and long-term treatment through therapies that challenge the body and mind. Holistic treatment therefore does not regard the body and the soul as independent elements, but works with the influence of body and soul on each other.

Holistic therapy concept

Individual and intensive therapy is part of our concept. This includes, among other things, daily individual or group discussions, led by our experienced specialists. Through the constant conversations, your new thoughts and concerns can be discussed and classified directly and do not lose their topicality due to irregular and long intervals. topicality.


Daily individual or group talks

The municipality of Bad Salzschlirf has been attracting numerous tourists for over a hundred years with its picturesque houses, romantic lanes and great natural landscape. Our clinic in Bad Salzschlirf is therefore the perfect place to organise your course of therapy in harmony with nature.

Well-founded treatment methods

Our treatment is based on modern scientific findings, for example from mindfulness research and secure attachment research. We work with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) from the third wave of behaviour therapy, trauma therapy and body psychotherapy. In addition, we use relationship- and encounter-oriented depth psychological elements as well as relationship building in the sense of Rogers and Rosenberg.



In our clinic you can experience high-quality therapy based on the latest findings. For this purpose different therapy methods are used. You do not have to do without your family during your treatment, but can bring them with you to our clinic for emotional support.

up to
Individual therapy sessions per week


In our clinic you can experience high-quality therapy based on the latest findings. A wide variety of therapeutic methods are used for this purpose. You do not have to do without your family during your treatment, but can bring them with you to our clinic as emotional support.

session-img room-img
Individual therapy sessions
per week


We also place a high value on quality and professionalism when admitting patients. We work discreetly and strictly confidentially
and are happy to support you on your road to recovery.

Step 1

In order to be admitted to the clinic, you need a referral from a general practitioner.

Step 1 | timeline conversation
Step 2 | timeline ansicht

Step 2

In the case of stays that can be planned a request must be made to the health insurance company. People with statutory health insurance also need a corresponding confirmation that the costs will be covered by the health insurance fund. If there is a danger to the person or special urgency of the treatment, only a medical certificate is medical certificate is required. Self-payers can be admitted without be admitted without further measures

Step 3

We will be happy to advise you by phone, WhatsApp or e-mail about your clinic stay. You can also you can also contact us via our contact form below to send your questions directly to us.

Step 3 | Timeline family

Bild einer Sitzung

Um in die Klinik eingewiesen werden zu können benötigen Sie eine Veranlassung bzw. Überweisung von einem niedergelassenen Arzt.

Bild einer Sitzung

Bei planbaren Aufenthalten muss eine Kostenübernahme an die Krankenkasse gestellt werden. Gesetzlich Versicherte brauchen zudem eine entsprechende Zusage zur Kostenübernahme durch die Krankenkasse. Wenn eine Gefährdung der Person oder besondere Dringlichkeit der Behandlung vorliegen, wird nur ein fachärztliches Attest benötigt. Selbstzahler können ohne weitere Maßnahmen aufgenommen werden

Bild einer Sitzung

Wir beraten Sie gerne per Telefon, WhatsApp oder Mail zu Ihrem Klinikaufenthalt. Rückfragen können Sie auch gerne über unser untenstehendes Kontaktformular direkt an uns senden.


Kinderbetreuung | Verus Bonifatius - Privatklinik für Eltern-Kind-Therapie

Switch off and let yourself go with us, leaving your children in the best hands. We take full care of your children so that you can engage in your therapy without worry.

Our pedagogically experienced team offers your child a varied programme and caring supervision. Our care includes sports, games, excursions and educational sessions in the clinic and the idyllic surroundings around the Vogelsberg.

Kinderbetreuung | Verus Bonifatius - Privatklinik für Eltern-Kind-Therapie


Switch off and let yourself go with us, leaving your children in the best hands. We take full care of your children so that you can engage in your therapy without worry.

Our pedagogically experienced team offers your child a varied programme and caring supervision. Our care includes sports, games, excursions and educational sessions in the clinic and the idyllic surroundings around the Vogelsberg.