CHILD GUIDANCE CONCEPT OF THE VERUS BONIFATIUS CLINIC Therefore, we make it possible for the children to be cared for all day in our in-house children’s companionship during therapy times.
On the other hand, we do not only provide care for the children, but also attach great importance to focusing on the children, who often come from families or environments with mental stress. We work in a resilience-promoting way and with attachment- and needs-oriented approaches.
The Verus Bonifatius Clinic promotes the children’s ability to develop self-efficacy and to have direct experiences. This is especially important in a world where they are exposed to many media. One of these ways is a reference person-oriented child guidance with different offers in the indoor and outdoor area.
Instead of interacting a lot with toys, we accompany the children’s play with each other, where they get involved themselves, discover their social skills and learn self-creation through encounters, experiences, painting and handicrafts.
The guiding principles of our child guidance are concretised in our programme. We, the child guidance team, are committed to continuously developing our care together on the basis of this programme. We enable our children to experience, in their individuality, being an important member of a community by which they are supported and for which they take responsibility.

We – the entire team – feel responsible for all children in the clinic and accompany them lovingly, appreciatively and consistently.
We teach the children entrusted to us the democratic and humanistic values that are fundamental to our society, such as tolerance, helpfulness and a sense of responsibility for people and the environment, among other things by introducing and holding a weekly peace council, through which the children are encouraged to act on their own responsibility and to take responsibility for others.
We establish binding rules together – as orientation aids in social interaction. As far as possible, these rules are discussed with the children.
We support the children in resolving conflicts peacefully by introducing and accompanying micro-circles for conflict resolution.
We offer the children a protected setting by maintaining rituals and insisting on the observance of boundaries. The implementation of a daily morning circle, in which sensitivities are communicated and what is on the agenda is discussed, as well as the weekly peace council are essential.
We accept each child in its overall personality and support it as best we can in its development.
We pay attention to the sensitivities and particularities of individual children and also integrate children with special needs into our daily routine within the scope of our possibilities. Exchange about challenges takes place in team meetings (both in the overall accompaniment team and in the clinic team).
We teach our children polite manners and exemplify them.
We train self-awareness and strengthen self-esteem through intensive attention, honest feedback and awareness of one’s own strengths. We offer each child at least 2 permanent companions from the team (possibly additional godparents).
We offer our children methodically and didactically qualified and child-appropriate care.

We are guided by the current emotional state of the children and pick them up where they are.
Through various, differentiating measures, we encourage and challenge our children according to their age and abilities and encourage them to make an effort within their possibilities. In doing so, we tie in with the children’s curiosity and world of life in an age-appropriate way. We give the children the understanding that they are allowed to make mistakes and that they have the opportunity to learn from them. We set up age-appropriate reading and play corners and encourage the children to use our books. Support for this is regular reading aloud and discussion of the content.
We support the holistic development and resilience of the children entrusted to our care through an active and diverse range of activities.
Every month we take up a theme and discuss it as the motto of the month with all the children. In specially designed “quiet breaks” we meet the special need of individual children for rest and contemplation.

We offer an appealing and harmonious environment in which the children feel comfortable and, as far as possible, can play and learn independently, in a self-acting, structured and discovering way. In doing so, we also train the children in the responsible use of the multitude of media. Training by the staff of the echtdabei prevention project (https://www.echt-dabei.de/) can support this.
Together with all the children, we design our childcare rooms to be appealing and inviting. Our clinic should be both a learning and living space.
We make important decisions for our children’s companionship area together. We involve the children and parents as much as possible.
We value a trusting and constructive cooperation with parents and maintain a friendly, respectful and honest exchange with them. We are open to their concerns and take them seriously. We offer a regular exchange.
We work together in a trusting, collegial and goal-oriented manner. In order to develop professionally and personally, we pay attention to an open, trusting culture of exchange and create spaces for this. Based on the GFK according to Marshall Rosenberg, we communicate with each other in the team and with the clinic management in an appreciative manner. Team meetings are held at least once a week in the child guidance team and in the entire clinic team. These serve the purpose of professional and personal exchange. For example, the clinic team talks to doctors and psychologists about patients, new arrivals and new children. Support measures are coordinated with each other.
We create simple information structures for the fast and secure transfer of information. We write a weekly info, a weekly update, a weekly post with information about appointments, excursions, trainings, actions, gratitude, illness info and categories like “to do”, “good to know” …
We inform the psychologists (and after consultation also the parents) in good time about conspicuous changes in the child.
We regularly attend further training. Important and interesting topics are also offered and attended as part of internal training.
We see the holistic development and support of the children entrusted to us as a common concern of parents, psychologists and caregivers.
We make our working methods and goals transparent.
We all make mistakes. We accept each other’s weaknesses and deal with them in a mindful and forgiving way.